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Promotion Process For Postmaster Cadre


Postmaster cadre Promotions are under process at CO and is expected within the end of April 2017 or Ist week of May 2017.

a. Regular Promotion for Grade III to officials who have completed 5 years of service in Grade II ( Orders released for 11 Officials )

b. Regular Promotion for Grade II to officials who have completed 6 years of service in Grade I ( Under Process )


a. One time relaxation for vacant Posts in Grade III to be filled up with officials who have completed 4 Years of service in Grade II.

b. One time relaxation for vacant Posts in Grade II to be filled up with officials who have completed 5 Years of service in Grade I

Adhoc Promotion .....

a. Officials who have completed 21/2 years in Grade II may be considered for adhoc promotion to Grade III for Post lying vacant after regular promotion if any

b. Officials who have completed 3 years in Grade I may be considered for adhoc Promotion to Grade II for Post lying vacant after regular promotion if any..

Vacancy Position as on 20.04.2017
Postmaster Grade III - 6
Postmaster Grade II - 34

(The Postmaster Grade II vacancy will depend upon existing Grade II officials accepting their Grade III promotion orders released this month )

( However there would be a cut-off date for vacancy position and may be filled up accordingly)

( since one time relaxation has been received for the cadre it is expected that all vacancies as on date will be taken into account for promotion )

Orders are expected very soon....