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Hey One Sec! How Are You Celebrating Diwali Today ?

Hi Everyone!

Team of PO Updates wishes you a happy and safe Diwali. We heartily wish that this diwali brings lots of happiness in your homes and prosperity to each one of you.

By the way how are you celebrating this Diwali? We are from the Great Hyderabad. We light diyas and fire a lot of crackers. Wow that's a visual feast to see all those rockets going up in the sky and flowering colors.

Of course this is all a lot pollution, but nobody's gonna stop using the fireworks.

We invite friends and family to our homes, give them sweets and fire the crackers together and have a lots of fun.

We are eager to know how celebrations take place in the other parts of the country. Please share your celebration experiences with us and everyone by commenting below.

See you later.

Have a SAFE Diwali.
