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Procedure To Find The Total Number Of Transactions Done For A Particular Period


Procedure To Find The Total Number Of Transactions Done For A Particular Period


Generally in DOP there are 2 servers maintained in DOP Finacle. They are mentioned below
  1. Production Server.
  2. Reports Server(MIS Server)
Most of them will get the doubt why do we need 2 servers in order to know the details just go through the below mentioned lines.

What is Production Server ?

1. Production server is nothing but LIVE server in which we daily login and do the transactions regularly.

2. In this server only reports data will be stored only for current date (BOD date in Finacle terminology which can be inquired using the menu HSSI).

3. In order to overcome the load on the LIVE server in DOP Finacle for old reports (previous day's report ) there is another server maintained.

4. URL for this server is

      5. This can be logged in by all the users i..e, CPA,SU,SA roles etc., in DOP Finacle

What is Reports Server (MIS Server) ?

1. Reports Server is nothing but MIS server in which we can take the reports for previous dates i.e., back dated reports in DOP Finacle.

2. The URL for MIS server is which is known as MIS URL in DOP Finacle.

3. MIS URL can be logged in by SU,SA,SBCO officials,Auditors etc., but CPA (counter PA) can't login to this URL.

4. All the month reports,live account reports,statistic reports etc., can be generated in MIS URL.

Procedure to generate Total numbers of transactions for a particular period in DOP Finacle :- 

1. As mentioned above for generation of reports for previous day or monthly reports we generally use MIS URL.

2. Login with SU/SA role in MIS URL then the system.

In the next step for generation of any report we generally invoke the menu HFINRPT then the system 


Then select the page 2 you can find the report name common_no of transactions report from the list of reports available in page 2 as shown in the below figure


From the above screen shot select the report number 21 Common_No of Transactions then the system will show below screen




In this screen enter the following details

Enter the field From date ________________
Enter the field To date __________________
Select the field Scheme Code ____________
Enter the field SOL ID __________________ as shown in the below figure

Then finally click on submit and view the report in HPR.


From the above screen it is clear that system is showing the total number of transactions done from 01/08/2016 to 31/08/2016 for MIS scheme for the SOL ID 50000300.

Important Points to Remember :- 

1. Always generate the report scheme wise for the above said report we can't generate for all 
the schemes at once hence go for scheme wise report.

2. In MIS URL generally report generation will take sometime depending on the server load hence be patient and try to view the report after 15 to 30 mins after report generation.

3. Also try to generate the report SOL wise for quick response from the server hence don't try for SET ID in MIS URL.