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Training Starts at 09:00pm from 24/04/16


finacle training by poupdates team

Hi everybody!
Thank you so much for your interest to take training from us. More than 1400 staff have enrolled for this training. We are absolutely overwhelmed by this response. We are very thankful to our friends at SAPOST, INDIA POST PARIWAR, GUDURPOST, POTOOLS, POFINACLEGUIDE, and so many other who have helped us in bringing the news to you. This shows how dedicated everybody is to help each of you who are suffering from Finacle. Thank you guys. 

So, coming to the point, we have decided to  start training at 09:00 pm on 24/04/16. Why 09:00pm? We think it is the ideal time where you can spend 5 to 10 mins to read our training material. So be ready at 09:00pm on everyday. You only need to spend 5 to 10 minutes everyday.

We initially wanted to make video tutorials but it is taking lot of effort and time to make videos. So we dropped off from that idea. We have created training documents which you can understand by just reading once. It is so easy to read and learn.

We will send you the entire documents to email who have already registered. We will also post the lessons on our blog. Of course our app users will get the lessons directly to their mobile.

So that's all for now. See you at 09:00pm. We are excited to start our training program.
In the mean while you can read our new article “WHAT IS FINCORE?” and SOLUTIONS FOR SB CLOSURE FAILURE 

See you.
Lots of Love
Team of PO Updates.