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India post finacle guide for SB Account Modification

India post finacle guide - pofinacleguide for SB Account Modification in dopfinacle. Step by step procedure by poupdates team

India post finacle guide for SB Account Modification

India post finacle guide for SB account modification can be used for various services like change of nomination, account mode conversion etc.,

Step By Step Procedure in Detail - India Post Finacle Guide

1.Invoke the menu CASBAM for modification after verification and Invoke the menu CASBAOM for modification before verification.
2.Function - Modify
3.Enter the A/C number
4.View the signature if necessary(F9)
5.Click on GO(F4)
6.Submit after the modification(F10)
7.Verify the SB A/C number in the same menu in supervisor login to complete the modification process

Note1: After Entering the account number, Click on TAB in the keyboard and then only click on GO(F4) on the screen.

Note2: Account modification may be,

1.Revival of silent account
2.Account mode conversion(single to joint and vice versa, minor to major conversion)
3.To know the CIF of joint holders
4.Nomination change etc.,

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