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India Post Finacle Guide for NSC/KVP Certificates pledging/pledge releasing


India Post Finacle Guide for NSC/KVP Certificates pledging/pledge releasing

India post Finacle Guide gives the procedure for pledging and pledge releasing using HAFSM menu.

Step By Step Procedure in Detail - India Post Finacle Guide


1.Invoke HAFSM menu in supervisor login
2.Function - Freeze
3.Enter A/C ID or CIF id
4.Enter Freeze Reason Code - PLEDG
5.Enter the Department to which the customer is pledging the certificates
6.Click on GO(F4)
7.Select the required A/C numbers if we enter the CIF id in Step 3
8.Click on SUBMIT(F10)
9.Verify the transaction in the same menu in another supervisor login


1.Invoke HAFSM menu in supervisor login
2.Function - Unfreeze
3.Enter A/C ID or CIF id
4.Click on GO(F4)
5.Select the required A/C numbers if we enter the CIF id in Step 3
6.Click on SUBMIT(F10)
7.Verify the transaction in the same menu in another supervisor login


Before Pledging the certificates, Note down the A/C numbers on each certificate by invoking CSCCAAC menu

1.Invoke CSCCAAC menu
2.Select Product Type - NSC/KVP
3.Enter CIF ID
4.Click on the searcher beside the Certificate number
5.System will display the A/C numbers for each certificate
6.Note down the A/C numbers on each certificate.

India post finacle guide for TD transaction inquiry procedure Click Here

For India Post Finacle guide frequently used menus list Click Here

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