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Agent ID creation - India Post Finacle Guide


Step by step guide for Agent ID Creation in India Post Finacle.

  • DSA IDs should not contain SPACE or DOT in between.
  • Agent IDs created in Finacle should not contain space or a dot. Agents Portal will not allow creation of such agent id’s.

Step By Step Procedure in Detail - India Post Finacle Guide

Agent ID creation in E-Banking

1.Create Agent ID in e-banking as it was not part of migrated agents.
2.The Agent ID should be first created in Finacle using the  menu HDSAMM  by the post office . After that, the Agent ID should be shared with Help Desk for creating the Agent ID in e-banking as well.

Creation of agent id for new agent:

Actually creation of agent id needs to add all the details about the agent. But for all agents, some fields are common. So, follow the below procedure for simplified process.

1.Invoke HDSAMM menu
2.Function - Copy
3.DSA ID - Provide any existing agent id (any agent's DSA ID)
4.To Direct Selling Agent ID - New agent ID (Normally agent's name is sufficient)
5.Click on GO(F4)

In General Tab,

6.Change DSA Name - Delete old agent name and Enter new agent name.
7.Change License No. - Delete old agent License No and Enter new agent License No.
8.Change Commission Cr. A/c. ID - Delete old agent SB A/C ID and Enter new agent SB A/C ID.
9.Change License Expiry Date - Delete old agent License Expiry Date and Enter new agent License Expiry Date.

In Commission Parameters Tab,

10.Fixed Commission Start Date - Today's Date
11.Click on SUBMIT(F10)
12.System will generate a message "DSA ID KCXXXXXXXAR added successfully"
13.Verify the generated DSA ID in the same menu in supervisor login.
14.System will generate a message "DSA ID KCXXXXXXXAR verified successfully".

Addition of schemes for old agent:

1.Invoke HDSAMM menu
2.Function -Modify
3.DSA ID - Provide the agent id.
4.Click on GO(F4)

In Product Tab,

5.Click on Add
6.Enter the scheme code - Select searcher for scheme codes
7.Select Pay Commission - Yes
8.In Payment Frequ. -

a) 1st box - Daily
b) 5th box - Next Day

9.Subvention Reversal Credit Placeholder - 45089000
10.Next Commission Date - 31-12-2099

In Commission Parameters Tab,

10.Fixed Commission Start Date - Today's Date
11.Click on SUBMIT(F10)
12.Verify the process in the same menu in supervisor login.

Note1: License No should not contain special characters.
Note2: The created Agent ID should be shared with Help Desk for creating the Agent ID in e-banking as well.
Note3: For newly created agents, all the available schemes will be mapped. No need to add the schemes again.

To find list of agents in dopfinacle Click Here

For India Post Finacle frequently used menus list Click Here

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